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Banking, Securities & Financial Services

Banking, Securities & Financial Services

Banking and securities professionals and financial service providers face a consistent set of hurdles, especially with regard to regulatory compliance, class action suits, and contracts. In the past decade, it has become even more essential to not only legally fulfill, but ethically satisfy both private stakeholders and the public at large.

That might touch on matters of lending, investments, insolvency, or insurance—all of which follow their own state and federal regulations. In some cases, international law may also come into play. Riker Danzig also provides advisory, transaction, and litigation services for our banking and financial clients.

Interestingly, the Banking, Securities and Financial Services Industry is also one that intersects with almost every other sector and market—from healthcare and hospitality to real estate and especially, and increasingly, technology. How businesses are funded, where money travels, and who is accounting for it is essentially the backbone of how the world works.

Riker Danzig’s expertise in this area is both profound and nuanced, having focused on this sector since the inception of our Firm. Learn more about how our Financial Services and Securities professionals can help you:

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