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Intellectual Property

Helping Clients Protect, Enforce and Maximize Their Intellectual Property

Riker Danzig's experienced team of intellectual property lawyers in New Jersey has the technical skills necessary to serve the needs of industry. Our clients include software authors, publishers and distributors, manufacturers, inventors and resellers of emerging technologies, and end-users of these goods and services. Our Intellectual Property Law group assists established entities and start-up enterprises by bringing a broad base of industry experience, technical knowledge, litigation skills and business law to bear directly on clients' technology-related questions. Whether the industry is telecommunications, pharmaceutical, chemical, healthcare or the rapidly growing area of electronic commerce, our intellectual property lawyers are prepared to preserve and protect our clients' rights. We provide advice concerning the registrability and use of copyrights, trademarks and patents, and prepare and file appropriate applications to protect such rights.

The Chambers USA: American’s Leading Lawyers for Business Client’s Guide has consistently singled out the talent in our IP group since 2007. We are highlighted for our work in managing trademark registration and licensing agreements, as well as in patent, trademark and copyright litigation.  See Awards and Honors Methodology.

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We also represent clients in infringement actions where patents, trademarks, copyrights or trade secrets have been unlawfully appropriated or improperly disclosed, and assist clients in establishing their rights in groundbreaking areas of intellectual property law. As one example, our IP litigation group successfully prosecuted a software performance lawsuit against an errant software developer and obtained a multi-million dollar settlement for a financial industry client that pioneered electronic income tax filing coupled with refund anticipation loans. We have also assisted numerous clients in combating Internet Cybersquatting and other unauthorized uses of client trademarks and copyrighted works, including copyright infringement. Recently, we were able to assist the family of a deceased singer in securing descendible publicity rights, allowing the family to sue a company that had been wrongfully imitating the singer's voice and unique performance style in its advertising.

Riker Danzig intellectual property lawyers have extensive experience in the coordination of U.S. patent litigation, opposition, licensing, and proprietary technology protection. We advise clients regarding strategic alliances, acquisitions, outsourcing and consultancy engagements. In the course of these activities, we regularly perform audits to determine what a client owns and what properties are protected or need protection. We enforce and defend our clients' properties and activities in the federal courts and administrative tribunals.

We are equally well versed in the drafting and negotiation of exclusive supply contracts, licenses, distribution, non-compete, secrecy and consultant agreements, and other business agreements for the development, exploitation and protection of proprietary properties. Our intellectual property lawyers have extensive experience in the conducting of studies and opinions concerning registration, infringement and validity questions.

Our strong litigation orientation helps clients evaluate the best method to resolve disputes that may arise, whether by negotiation, litigation or arbitration, and protects their rights in any of these situations.

Results may vary depending on your particular facts and legal circumstances.

Our Team

Wendi Opper Uzar

Wendi Opper Uzar

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