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Intellectual Property

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IP Partner Wendi Uzar Speaking on Patenting and Copyrighting AI in NYC

October 21, 2024

Wendi Opper Uzar, partner in Riker Danzig’s Intellectual Property Group, is speaking at the Global Intellectual Property (IP) ConfEx in New York City on October 23, 2024. The event gathers C-Level professionals and executives from across the country for networking, collaboration, and knowledge exchange with like minds in the industry.

Wendi, along with a panel of highly regarded partners, will be speaking at the “Conversations with Chief IP Officers: Illuminating Insights and Perspectives” panel that starts at 9:30 AM.

The panel will cover:

  • Understanding the Strategic Role of Intellectual Property (IP) in Driving Business Success
  • Exploring Emerging Trends and Challenges Shaping the IP Landscape
  • Harnessing Innovation and Creativity: Strategies for Effective IP Leadership
  • Navigating Global Intellectual Property Regulations and Legal Considerations
  • Leveraging Insights from Industry Leaders to Shape Future IP Strategies

See Global IP Confex for more information.

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Wendi Opper Uzar

Wendi Opper Uzar

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