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Family Law

"We're committed to helping New Jersey families, because we're one of them."

When it comes to family law, complex and sensitive issues can result in outcomes with lifelong emotional and financial consequences. At Riker Danzig, our family law/divorce lawyers in New Jersey have the experience and resources to address and resolve your family's needs and legal concerns. Our practice is unique in its emphasis on complex financial matters and issues beyond the traditional, such as cohabitation agreements and dissolution of civil unions and palimony, including for same-sex couples. When it comes to getting a divorce in New Jersey, there are complicated laws specific to our state that our family law attorneys truly understand.  We are proud of our reputation for representing our clients loyally and vigorously in the successful resolution of their often-sophisticated divorce and domestic relations matters, whether through litigation at trial or on appeal, or through mediation or arbitration.

Our diverse talents enable us to fully serve the unique needs of each individual client, while utilizing the resources only available at a large firm. The firm's full resources in trusts and estates, tax, appellate, corporate and real estate law, including the seasoned counsel of a former New Jersey State Supreme Court Justice whose opinions have helped structure New Jersey's family law, lend strength to our integrated approach toward problem-solving.

With a family law group dedicated to the full realm of family law issues, our attorneys are sensitive to the needs of our clients and understand that every case is unique and must be approached individually. Our divorce lawyers in New Jersey work closely with our clients to achieve their particular goals, providing seasoned counsel in meeting present and future financial needs, and in resolving all issues concerning children, alimony, child support, medical coverage, education expenses, and equitable distribution of property. Our experience and knowledge of divorce law in New Jersey allow us to confidently guide our clients through the legal process.

Child Custody
We understand the emotions involved during a divorce; this is no truer than when children are concerned. Custody matters require special and unique legal skills, as well as sensitivity. We handle contested custody, change of custody, and relocation cases. We thoroughly investigate the needs of the child, the parent's availability, and childcare costs including education. In addition, we have been at the forefront of obtaining grandparent visitation rights and have represented clients in a variety of adoption issues.

Prenuptial, Cohabitation, and Property Settlement Agreements
Our services include the negotiation and preparation of sophisticated prenuptial, marital, separation, and property settlement agreements. In this area, we are able to draw upon and integrate the firm's broad range of legal experience, in particular from the tax, real estate, corporate, closely-held business and trust and estates departments. We also have been recognized for successfully representing clients in cohabitation cases.

Complex Matrimonial Issues
We are well-versed in handling complicated valuation issues in high-income and asset cases involving closely held businesses, partnerships, professional practices, pensions, profit-sharing plans, and stock options, units and warrants. In determining support and equitable distribution positions, we also provide sophisticated estate planning and tax advice.

Domestic Violence
Our attorneys have won precedent-setting court decisions for Jersey Battered Women Services, protecting the privacy and safety of women in shelters. We assist our clients, both men and women, in obtaining and defending against domestic violence restraining orders.

In addition to handling matters on behalf of our clients at the trial level, we have successfully represented clients in numerous appellate cases involving all aspects of family law, including in particular complex equitable distribution and valuation issues, custody relocation, child support, and alimony awards.

Post-Judgment Modification and Enforcement
Often issues arise after the final judgment of divorce is entered. We handle the full array of post-judgment applications including modification issues concerning alimony, child support, changes in primary residence and changes in parenting time schedules.

Palimony and Dissolution of Civil Unions
We have been leaders in New Jersey in writing on and addressing issues of non-married partners, including same sex partners. Dissolution of these relationships is often complex with its own very specific considerations. We have litigated and negotiated settlements in these cases, involving custody, support, palimony and division of property.

Results may vary depending on your particular facts and legal circumstances.

Our Team

Allen J. Scazafabo, Jr.

Allen J. Scazafabo, Jr.

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