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Environmental Law

In a state noted for its strict and pace-setting environmental laws, Riker Danzig’s Environmental Law Group is among...

New Leadership in the Firm's Environmental Practice

January 30, 2020

Riker Danzig is pleased to announce that Jeffrey B. Wagenbach and Steven T. Senior have been named Co-Chairs of our Environmental Practice Group, succeeding Dennis J. Krumholz.  Dennis founded the Firm’s Environmental Practice and built it into one of the state’s largest and most highly-regarded environmental practices. Under his leadership, our Environmental Practice has earned a tremendous reputation. Dennis, who has been ranked in the first tier of New Jersey environmental lawyers in Chambers USA since 2005, will continue to be an active partner in the group.

Jeff joined Riker Danzig in 1985, and has been an instrumental part of the group’s success over the last 35 years.  He was an early participant in the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection’s Industrial Advisory Committee, and has developed a particular niche in industrial site recovery matters.  Jeff has substantive experience in virtually every environmental area, representing clients in complex transactions and high stakes recovery claims.

Steve joined Riker Danzig in 1998, and played a leading role in the development of the Licensed Site Remediation Professionals program and the New Jersey Site Remediation Reform Act.  He has extensive experience in the full range of environmental regulatory and transactional matters.  Steve is a past Chair of the NJSBA’s Environmental Law Section and is co-founder of the Justice Stewart G. Pollock Environmental American Inn of Court.

Jeff said, “Riker Danzig entered the environmental arena in the early days of New Jersey environmental law, and so we have had the opportunity to be on the cutting edge of environmental regulation and litigation.  Our practice today reflects that deep and broad understanding of the issues affecting the state, giving us the tools to understand these complex requirements and know the best way to get things done in our regulatory environment.”

Steve added, “It is an exciting time for the group. Under Dennis’s leadership we’ve built a practice with a tremendous reputation, deep expertise in environmental issues across the board and top-rate clients.  We look forward to continuing this legacy and to helping our clients effectively respond to the changing environmental risks and requirements they confront each day.”

See Real Estate Weekly and RealEstateNJ for coverage of the story.

Our Team

Steven T. Senior

Steven T. Senior

Jeffrey B. Wagenbach

Jeffrey B. Wagenbach
Of Counsel

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