Partner Charlie McKenna Addresses Importance of CARES Act Inspector General Role in Preventing Fraud Banner Image

White Collar Criminal Defense and Investigations

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Partner Charlie McKenna Addresses Importance of CARES Act Inspector General Role in Preventing Fraud

April 7, 2020

Riker Danzig White Collar Criminal Defense and Investigations Partner Charles B. McKenna penned a column about the CARES Act for InsiderNJ entitled “Not So Fast: The Act Comes With a Sheriff” on April 6, 2020.  Drawing parallels between the federal aid provided for Hurricanes Katrina and Sandy relief and the Troubled Asset Relief Program (“TARP”), Charlie, a former federal prosecutor and counsel to New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, points out the opportunities for fraud with these governmental programs.  His article discusses the critical role of the Inspector General in overseeing the government’s Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act, noting that that the Office of the Inspector General will exist for five years and be funded with $25 million, giving the Inspector General’s Office the teeth it needs to ensure that money disbursed under the CARES Act will not fall victim to fraudulent schemes.  Read more here

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