Becker’s Healthcare Points Again to Riker Danzig’s Healthcare Blog in COVID -19 Update Banner Image

Healthcare Law

Riker Danzig's Healthcare Group is involved in all aspects of the legal system that affect the planning, financing...

Becker’s Healthcare Points Again to Riker Danzig’s Healthcare Blog in COVID -19 Update

October 29, 2020

The Juris Doctor Report, Riker Danzig’s Healthcare Blog, was cited as the source for the Becker’s healthcare article “New Jersey ASCs can now use antigen tests in COVID-19 screening.” The article uses our blog as the basis for highlighting the new guidance from the New Jersey Department of Health, allowing ASCs in the state to use antigen tests to screen patients for COVID-19.

See Becker’s Healthcare Clinical Leadership & Infection Control for the complete article.  To subscribe to The Juris Doctor Report, click here.

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